2022 Christmas Gift Note

GoofyPal Productions

Mesa, Arizona

310-393-5651 cell/text


A Gift From


For Release 12 a.m. MST

December 25, 2022

Celebrating Christmas 2022 With Disney+ Premium:

A 12 Month Ad-Free Video Streaming Subscription

To View Classic Disney Movies And Many Other Programs

Two disneyplus.com subscriptions, each with 7 user profiles/avatars, shared among my GoofyPals (limited account-sharing is allowed by Disney)

Up to 8 of my GoofyPals can simultaneously watch extensive video content from Disney, Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars, and National Geographic

A “GroupWatch” feature allows users to create a private viewing party, watching the same content; reacting with 6 emojis (“like, funny, sad, angry, scared, surprised”); and controlling playback (pause, fast-forward, rewind)

goofypal.com website updated with new content (including Disney+ tips)

Mesa, Arizona (December, 2022): Joyfully announcing your Christmas 2022 gift of a 12 month, ad-free subscription to the Disney+ video streaming service (disneyplus.com)!

Unlike previous “tangible” gifts that could be physically touched, this one is “virtual” (online), reducing the energy needed to produce and mail the gift. Yet I’m confident that it will be enjoyed, based on the very positive reaction of family members previously given Disney+ by me. Now, up to 8 of my GoofyPals can simultaneously stream D+.

You are invited to contact me with questions about how to log in and use Disney+.

This is another joyful response to the Covid pandemic, symbolizing hope for the future! It is the 27th consecutive year of sending identical gifts to my GoofyPals, and 34nd time sending identical gifts to family members.

I recommend that the first Disney+ video you watch be a classic Goofy cartoon! Quoting my totem Goofy: “ah-hyuck, ah-hyuck, hoo hoo hoo hoo, well gawrsh”!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ TC 😍


Several months ago I had a conversation with son Zach — funny at first, then troubling, ultimately inspiring — about my tradition of Christmas gift-giving. I described a weird thought that recently occurred to me: Because I’d been sending this Christmas gift for so many years, if I ever stopped it then this would cause me to die! We laughed. Yet the experience did cause me to reflect on mortality: after I die, the gift giving will cease! And while still alive, physical limitations could make it difficult or impossible for me to produce and mail the gift. I’ve always maintained that the gift giving process had to be enjoyable; if not, I wouldn’t do it. And for over three decades, I’ve had the strength and desire to send a gift every Christmas. Yet when the idea of doing a virtual gift occurred to me, this seemed like a good year to “mix it up” and not send a physical gift. JOY!

Although the Covid pandemic is now less dangerous for my vaccinated family and friends, I still sought a gift that symbolized gratitude for our survival. I also wanted to continue the theme begun with last year’s personalized GoofyPal Christmas ornament. Hmmm, nothing is more “goofy” than Disney, the company where Goofy was born in 1932!


When Disney+ began in November 2019, I purchased a 3 year subscription to share with my siblings, son, and nieces/nephews having young children. Their feedback was very positive! When the subscription expired last month, I told those who asked that it had been extended till year-end. Actually, I had decided to make Disney+ my Christmas gift! So I secretly renewed my disneyplus.com account for 12 months and purchased a second account, allowing up to 8 GoofyPals to legally stream D+ content at the same time.


Last year I finally created a website to describe the Disney cartoon character of Goofy and why he long ago became my totem (an emblem with spiritual significance, having qualities to which I aspire): www.goofypal.com This website contained three short sections on the “ZEN, ADVENTURES, WISDOM of Goofy.” (Much more Goofy info was included in printed notes sent with my 2019 Christmas gift of “funny nose/glasses”!)

Now I’m in the process of adding links to webpages containing much more material — including Disney+ tips — you’re invited to visit the goofypal.com website and take a look!

Simply put: you are my PAL, “a person whom one knows well, likes, and trusts” — and you are GOOFY, in the sense of being “cheerful, eternally loyal, always willing to help friends, always assuming the best about your fellow beings” and yes, sometimes silly, but far from being stupid! “Progress not perfection” is Goofy’s watchword, expressing his willingness to try new things at the risk of failure, to persevere thru challenges despite the odds, without the fear of “goofing up.”

Ho Ho Ho! 🙂 TC

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