The ZEN Of Goofy

For many years Goofy has been my “totem” an emblem with spiritual significance, having admirable qualities to which I aspire. Allow me to explain!

Goofy the awkward, toothy, curious, and good-spirited Everyman of the Disney cartoon characters has been popular since his first appearance in 1932 (then called "Dippy Dawg). Click here for his detailed biography.

His popularity is largely due to his being funny. In any language, with any age group, Goofy's antics always communicate.

But beyond that, his popularity is connected to the source of his humor. We see Goofy ever-valiantly attempting things that we ourselves might fear, "goofing" them up in a way that we're a little afraid we might, and yet shining through it all with qualities to which we most aspire. The humor is kind, not mean-spirited or sarcastic.

Goofy may often act silly, yet he is not stupid! He is always willing to try new things at the risk of failure, without the fear of “goofing up.” He perseveres thru challenges, despite the odds. “Progress Not Perfection” are his watchwords, the phrase that expresses his core beliefs.

He is JOYFUL and has a cheerful, positive attitude about life. He is eternally loyal and willing to help his friends. He has a gentle, childlike innocence and wonder about the world around him. And, perhaps most important, Goofy always assumes the best about his fellow beings.

This is the ZEN of Goofy the character traits that I value in my friendships!